
the song "Love" sang by mag and mickey @marina's wedding!
enjoy it!

這首歌是愛 This praise song is called "love"

ps: the one in black at the front is me ~.~ I was taking lots of pictures!!


感謝主 才花了一天晚上和當天一各小時左右的時間 mag&mickey就準備好這首歌 並上場 對小米奇來說應該是獻詩處女作吧! Praise Him!
當然對身經百戰的mag來說 是一小片蛋糕 不過這次大家同工的很愉快 也感謝 神讓我們有這機會 一起服事祂 服事彼此~希望很快就有下一回合摟!
Praise the Lord! It only took them to prepare the songs for one night and one hour before the wedding began.
they had a prefect service at the stage though! It's a piece of cake for mag to play at the worship but was mickey's very first time to sing worship songs before people.
God is awesome! I love watching them doing this~ He answered my prayers few years ago!
anyway,I AM very thankful that we had this chance to serve him and one another.Hope we will do this again soon~

幕後花絮:在我家練習 獻上祝福的video
their practice at my home

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