Psalm 127
Unless the Lord builds the house,it's builder labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,the watchman stand guard in vain.
In vain you rise early and stay up late,toiling for food to eat -
for He grants sleep to those he loves.

hmm.. great reminder!
As I was trying to start working on the application document for business school admission,God's words remind me that He is the center and he is the reason.
Don't just do stuffs when I feel like to
Don't just plan my life based on the opinions from other people or the world.
If he is not the center,if he is not even in the plan,how can I say I love him and he is my Lord.
Do we sometimes just plan things on our own, put ourselves in the centere and then pray that God will be our helper?
we get mad and frustrated if he is not on our side.
Is it fair for him to love us that way?
well..he is God.why not? and He is supposed to love us in a great way.

When and how can we ever learn this simple lesson that he commands?

-Love God with all our heart ,with all our strength,with all our soul and with all our mind.
-Only worship Him. See him(also behave)as a GREAT God not our "god" in our little box.

very simple but hard.

This is how He is:
He still loves us and await us to be drawn close to him patiently.

But sometime we easily think his love like human's love,which is conditional.
we do good and then get the approval,get love.
we earn love from others and take back our love if we don't feel worthy to give.
smart people yet foolish in His eye.
no wonder we have a hard time to get the gospel unless holy spirit reveals it to us.

help me not turn my back from you and miss your love with my narrow understanding.
remind me to seek you in every step i take.
i would know it's YOU build the house, YOU watch over the city.
Credit is yours.
I would just be satisfied with your love and your smile on me.

i pray for the girl i taught last night.if i gonna be her tutor,put your love for her in me.
i pray for the admission preparation,esp the essay part. i need to have a clear study purpose and a sounding career plan. bring me to netherland,if this is part of your plan for me,Jesus.


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